PMS & Mood Swing more than a month

For many women, PMS is a nightmare come true. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), for those who are unfamiliar, is a disease that affects women one to two weeks before their periods. PMS is a very common condition among women in their 30s and 40s. Few people are aware of this, however.

Some of the symptoms include acne, anxiety, backache, breast swelling, Cramps, tenderness, depression, food cravings, fainting spells, migraines, joint pain, sleeplessness, skin eruption, and nervousness.

Endometriosis, a condition caused most likely by a hormonal imbalance in which tissue that looks and acts like the uterine lining is found outside of the uterus in the pelvis, can also cause physical symptoms similar to PMS. During menstruation, this tissue leaks gently.

PMS patients frequently have low serotonin levels, which can result in early or delayed ovulation and an estrogen-progesterone imbalance. The bottom line is that low serotonin interferes with ovulation, and “less than perfect ovulation” lowers serotonin levels in the brain, causing PMS. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, women with PMS were usually found to have a modest low thyroid status.

It would be good to keep a period notebook, noting symptoms and when they occur on a scale of 1 to 10, and keeping a record for three months.

Women with PMS should consume three modest meals and three snacks per day, rather than the usual "three square meals a day." Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals, nuts, breads, beans, peas, seeds, chicken, and fish are all good choices.
Exercise raises blood oxygen levels, which aids food absorption and the efficient removal of toxins from the body, as well as keeping hormone levels more steady.

To rule out an underlying medical illness, such as aberrant thyroid function, endometriosis, or a serious psychiatric disorder like depression, that could be producing symptoms. Caffeine and smoking should be avoided.

Vitamin E has been shown to help with the treatment of breast problems, mood swings, and irritability. Magnesium is referred to as "nature's tranquillizer," and it is essential in the treatment of anxiety-related PMS symptoms. When used with Vitamin B6, it becomes more effective. Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) is a type of fatty acid created by the conversion of omega 6 essential fatty acids (linoleic acid) found in plants such as evening primrose, borage, and starflower. Antidepressants that increase serotonin levels, such as Prozac, Paxil, Sarafem, and Zoloft, are another alternative. Ask your health queries and easily discuss your concerns online wth Dr. Shivangi Pawar, by sending us a mail or dropping a message in our contact form. Take Care! Stay Healthy!