Introduction to Ovarian Cyst

A cyst is a little bubble on one of the ovaries that fills with air or fluid and presses against the lower abdomen's right or left side. These cysts can be excruciatingly uncomfortable. Other symptoms include unexpected, painful periods, usually with significant uterine bleeding due to high oestrogen levels, painful intercourse, heel pain, and increased hair growth, as well as lower abdomen pain.

When an ovarian cyst breaks, the pain is relieved, albeit the cyst may reappear in certain situations.

Ovarian cysts are becoming more common, especially among women between the ages of 14 and 55. A stressful, frantic lifestyle, greater use of birth control pills, greater consumption of hormone-infused foods such as most commercial meat and milk, and a stressful, frantic lifestyle are all contributors. Obesity and an imbalanced, non-natural diet are the root causes of ovarian cysts.

How to avoid risk of Ovarian Cyst?

- Consume healthful foods like organic meats and milk. Consume plenty of water and fresh veggies.
- Apply a lotion containing natural progesterone hormones.
- Detoxify and boost your liver's metabolism. Natural tinctures such as olive leaf, dandelion, milk thistle seed, and artichoke are your allies in this situation.
- Examine your thyroid gland.
- Stop smoking.
- Weighing in at a light weight.

But, in the end, it all comes down to adopting a healthy lifestyle. This is being true to yourself instead of hoping for something else. Surprisingly, actions of "heroism" may not be the most challenging ingredient. Rather, it could be letting go of pieces of ourselves that we don't want to keep yet cling to out of habit. It is your responsibility to look after your health. So take care of yourself!

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