How much weight gain is expected during pregnancy?

You're undoubtedly concerned about how much weight you're gaining, how it will damage your body, and how difficult it will be to shed thereafter if you're pregnant. Although your OB/GYN or midwife is the best source of advice on how to gain weight healthily during pregnancy, there are some general guidelines to follow.
Depending on your weight at the outset of your pregnancy, your doctor may advise you that a healthy weight gain for you is anywhere between 15 and 40 pounds. If you're already underweight (BMI less than 18.5), acquiring 25 to 40 pounds during pregnancy is a reasonable objective. If you are overweight, he or she may recommend that you keep your BMI between 15 and 25 pounds.
The baby contributes 6 to 8 pounds to the total. The remainder is made up of amniotic fluid, more tissue and blood to support the baby (including the placenta), and your breasts and placenta rising in size. You could lose up to 15 pounds as a result of the birth (amniotic fluid, placenta and baby).
Any doctor will tell you that dieting while pregnant is not a good idea. To be healthy, both your body and your baby require the nutrients included in a well-balanced diet. This is not to say that you should throw caution to the wind and 'eat for two.' To build a healthy baby, your body requires an extra 300 calories every day. Those 300 calories should come from the same nutritious foods that make up your regular diet. (Were you consuming a healthy, well-balanced diet? If you haven't started yet, pregnancy is an excellent time to do so.)
You might anticipate gaining weight in a consistent fashion. You'll gain 2-4 pounds throughout the first three months. You should anticipate to gain 3-4 pounds every month throughout the second trimester (about a pound per week). You'll grow another 8-10 pounds during the next three months. Your doctor or midwife will weigh you on a regular basis and may express concern if your weight changes. A quick weight gain, for example, can signify pre-eclampsia or gestational diabetes.
If your doctor advises you to try to limit your weight gain during pregnancy, make sure you consume a well-balanced diet that satisfies all of your daily vitamin, mineral, and other nutritional requirements. Remember that a pregnancy 'diet' isn't meant to help you lose weight; rather, it's meant to help you control how much weight you acquire.
Exercise is good for both you and your baby. Most of your daily activities can be continued, and if regular workouts were part of your daily regimen, continue them. You'll feel better, and your body will be less prone to aches and pains caused by excess weight. Keep in mind that exercise should not be too strenuous during pregnancy, and you should avoid activities that put you at risk of falling or injuring yourself. Keep in mind that your centre of balance has moved, so conducting your typical tasks may feel awkward when you're carrying your tiny bundle of joy. Ask your health queries and easily discuss your concerns online wth Dr. Shivangi Pawar, by sending us a mail or dropping a message in our contact form. Take Care! Stay Healthy!