tips (10)

Top 10 Lifestyle Advices to prevent Chronic Diseases

In today's world of lifestyle medicine, one can easily beat or prevent common chronic diseases by making simple lifestyle modifications that suit one's current daily activities and health features. As research progresses, we have more new reasons and scientific data to explain why these simple…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar

Chronic Diseases can be cured with food

Our dietary choices have a significant impact on how and what diseases we might catch. 15 percent of all deaths in India are directly or indirectly related to poor dietary habits. Conditions such as heart disease, cancer, lung disease, cerebrovascular disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and kidney…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar

What is Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)?

PCOS is a condition that affects up to 10% of women who are not yet menopausal. A female hormonal disorder characterised by the production of several abnormal ovarian cysts on the ovaries. The majority of cysts are harmless since they are just fluid-filled sacs containing…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar

Staying young is tricky but possible

Some people find it difficult to mature gracefully. They are worried about wrinkles, greying hair, and other signs of ageing. People who are getting older, on the other hand, should focus on getting all of the nutrients they need. Senior folks have a more difficult…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar

Simplified Health Choices for Women

Men and women are different in many ways, most notably in their physical appearance. This is without a doubt the most visible difference, but there are countless other internal factors to consider, such as hormone secretion regulation and type; also, women are more prone to…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar

How much weight gain is expected during pregnancy?

You're undoubtedly concerned about how much weight you're gaining, how it will damage your body, and how difficult it will be to shed thereafter if you're pregnant. Although your OB/GYN or midwife is the best source of advice on how to gain weight healthily during…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar

How to manage anxiety and self confidence??

Some women may struggle to cope with their feelings and worries. In addition, a woman's self-esteem and confidence may be affected. As a result, here is a list of strategies that a woman can do to help regulate her anxieties and increase her self-esteem. The…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar

How can I stop hair fall during menopause?

During menopause, a woman's body goes through a number of physical changes. Because of changes in a woman's hormone levels, menopause causes a rapid loss of hair. Estrogen, a female hormone, works to counteract the effects of androgens such as DHT. After menopause, oestrogen production…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar

How to stay fit after pregnancy?

Taking on the role of a new mother is a great approach to get more exercise in your life! Now that your lovely bundle has arrived, it seems like you never have a chance to sit still, from lifting to bending to picking up stuff…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar

How to Cure PCOD Naturally & Effectively with Simple Diet?

PCOD, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is one of the most common conditions among today's women, maybe as a result of their contemporary lifestyle. The illness might worsen if no action is taken against it at the first sign of symptoms, as there are already ladies…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar